Good evening all past and present Grand lodge officers, past and present past Masters and
brothers. A lot of thanks goes out tonight. Thanks goes out to my family, thank you to my Installing
Officers, thank you to the staff of WSOI for putting me through what seemed a three credit college
course. Thank you to the craft for allowing me to lead William F. Taylor for this coming year and
finally thank all of you for being here tonight. I look forward to continuing the work of previous Past
Masters as well as adding my own flavor to the mix. Most of all I look forward to nurturing our
brotherly love for one another, and continued fellowship with our constituent lodges, continuing to grow
our membership, improve our finances. Continue our time-honored traditions and provide a fun
environment for us to meet and fellowship. I’ve selected a very capable and worthy cabinet and staff to
assist me in these endeavors. The belief in the Grand Architect of the Universe will allow us to be that
lodge we strive be in. Once again I am thankful and ready to get to work. I look forward to the advice
and wise counsel offered from all.