The History: William F. Taylor Masonic Lodge #57 began its mark on Prince Hall Masonry on March 9, 1916. The lodge started as a group of men from the Ames United Methodist Church coming together for fellowship and community service. These men eventually became known as the “Men of Ames”. On April 26, 1917, Most Worshipful Joseph P. Evans Grand Master chartered the “Men of Ames” into William F. Taylor Lodge #57. The lodge was named after William F. Taylor, a Past Grand Master for the jurisdiction of Maryland who served from 1880 to 1881.

When the lodge was first charted, the brothers of William F. Taylor met at the Galilean Hall on 411 West Biddle Street. The following is a roll call of the first officers to lead William F. Taylor:


Worshipful Master Henry Johnson Secretary Elijah Randal
Senior Warden Wesley Raiff Treasure Charles G. Smith
Junior Warden Nathan Galloway Chaplain Frank Carter
Senior Deacon Clarence Jones Senior Steward George Joyner
Junior Deacon Edward Dogan Junior Steward George Pitts

William F. Taylor’s meeting location has now moved to the Willard W. Allen Masonic Temple at 1307 Eutaw Place. Although William F. Taylor meeting nights have not changed over the lodge’s 100 years in existence. Meeting nights are still the second and fourth Thursday of the month.

During its 100 years, William F. Taylor has had 88 Worshipful Masters. Of these 88 Worshipful Masters, 41 of these brothers have gone home to reward.

William F. Taylor places a high priority on charitable endeavors such as contributing to the NAACP, the Urban League, Forest Park Little League Baseball, The YMCA, the Arena Players Youth Program, its annual Christmas Basket Distribution to needy families, distributing full and partial college scholarships, the Jericho Project, and the Step Out walkathon for Diabetes. In 2009 William F. Taylor was awarded Lodge of the Year by the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F&AM of Maryland in part for its charitable contributions to the community.

Worshipful Master
Spencer Tann